(I.37) (I.38) (I.39) (I.40) (I.41) (I.42) (I.43)

photographer E-Yaji.

The Marakovic Collection  
Figure: (I.40) 
I.40 zoomable images


Ruby Lens

Glass, the colourless ground suffused with white fragments; with a flat lip, slightly convex foot, and convex foot rim; carved as a single overlay, the two main sides with concave integral snuff dishes
Probably Beijing, 1720-1780
Height: 6.30 cm
Mouth/lip: 0.9/1.5 cm
Stopper: jadeite; vinyl collar

Clare Lawrence
Galerie Asboth, Vienna


(I.37) (I.38) (I.39) (I.40) (I.41) (I.42) (I.43)


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